Es un balneario turístico que con una excelente y extensa playa donde existe una amplia gama de hospedajes, bares, almacenes y un mercado artesanal. Atacames en un lugar muy conocido por su ambiente de fiesta, sus bares multicolores donde se mezclan innumerables géneros musicales y una gran afluencia de turistas nacionales e internacionales.
It is a tourist town with an ample beach and a wide range of accommodations, bars, shops, discos and a craft market. Atacames in a place known for its party atmosphere, its multicolored bars which mix many musical styles and a large number of domestic and international tourists.
It is a tourist town with an ample beach and a wide range of accommodations, bars, shops, discos and a craft market. Atacames in a place known for its party atmosphere, its multicolored bars which mix many musical styles and a large number of domestic and international tourists.
Same y Club Casablanca:
El poblado de Same se encuentra a 1.5 km al sur de El Acantilado y un poco más allá está el Club Casa Blanca. Same es un pequeño poblado donde existen varios bares y restaurantes de variada categoría. El Club Casablanca un poco más distante que el poblado de Same, es esencialmente un sitio de vacaciones de la sociedad quiteña. Cuenta principalmente de varios complejos residenciales de casas y apartamentos con una capacidad en temporadas altas de aproximadamente 10.000 personas, existe una cancha de Golf y varias de tenis, un club náutico y varios restaurantes, discotecas y un cajero automático del Banco del Pichincha.
The Same village is 1.5 km south of El Acantilado and just beyond is Club Casablanca. Same is a small town where there are several bars and restaurants of various categories. Club Casablanca a little more distant than the town of Same, is essentially a vacation site of the Quito society. Consists primarily of several residential houses and apartments with a peak capacity of about 10,000 people, there is a golf course and several tennis courts, a marina and several restaurants, nightclubs and an ATM Bank machine.
The Same village is 1.5 km south of El Acantilado and just beyond is Club Casablanca. Same is a small town where there are several bars and restaurants of various categories. Club Casablanca a little more distant than the town of Same, is essentially a vacation site of the Quito society. Consists primarily of several residential houses and apartments with a peak capacity of about 10,000 people, there is a golf course and several tennis courts, a marina and several restaurants, nightclubs and an ATM Bank machine.
Es un tradicional pueblo de pescadores ubicado a 1.5 Km del hotel, en este pueblo es posible observar las faenas de pesca y existen varios establecimientos comerciales y restaurantes tipo económico.
It is a traditional fishing village located 1.5 km away, in this town you can observe fishing operations and there are several economic shops and restaurants
It is a traditional fishing village located 1.5 km away, in this town you can observe fishing operations and there are several economic shops and restaurants
Punta Galera:
Otro pueblo de pescadores ubicado en la Punta de Galera su población se dedica a la pesca de altura, langosta y langostino. Resulta en un accidente geográfico que separa las aguas más cálidas al norte y las un poco más frías al sur.
Another fishing village is Punta de Galera its population is engaged in open ocean fishing as well as lobster and shrimp. It is a geographic feature that separates the warmer waters to the north and slightly cooler south.
Another fishing village is Punta de Galera its population is engaged in open ocean fishing as well as lobster and shrimp. It is a geographic feature that separates the warmer waters to the north and slightly cooler south.
Estero del Plátano:
Un muy pintoresco pueblo de pescadores que en los últimos años y gracias a la reciente apertura de una vía asfaltada esta recibiendo un importante ingreso de turistas.
A very picturesque fishing village .In recent years and with the opening of a paved road it has received a significant number of tourists.
A very picturesque fishing village .In recent years and with the opening of a paved road it has received a significant number of tourists.
Un diminuto pueblo de pescadores y agricultores con una interesante vocación por el turismo ecológico, la producción orgánica y el trabajo comunitario. Cuenta con una pequeña y encantadora playa a la cual se llega luego de una caminata de unos 40 minutos por un bosque tropical maduro.
A tiny fishing and farming village that has an interesting vocation for ecotourism, organic farming and community work. It has a lovely little beach which is reached after walking about 40 minutes by a lush tropical forest.
A tiny fishing and farming village that has an interesting vocation for ecotourism, organic farming and community work. It has a lovely little beach which is reached after walking about 40 minutes by a lush tropical forest.
La isla de Muisne distante 1 hora del Hotel cuenta con un pintoresco poblado tradicional esmeraldeño y una amplia playa. Existen unos pocos hoteles y restaurantes económicos.
Muisne Island is 1 hour away from el acantilado and features a traditional picturesque town of Esmeraldas with a sandy beach. There are a few hotels and cheap restaurants.
Muisne Island is 1 hour away from el acantilado and features a traditional picturesque town of Esmeraldas with a sandy beach. There are a few hotels and cheap restaurants.
Distante 1 hora aproximadamente del hotel es un antiguo pueblo de pescadores recientemente incorporado al turismo, cuenta con una extensa playa de cocotero, y afamadas olas para la práctica del surf también existe un gran complejo hotelero de la cadena internacional Decameron.
About 1 hour away from El Acantilado, is a former fishing village recently built into a tourist destination it has extensive coconut beach and is famous for its surfing waves . There is also a large hotel complex owned by the the international chain Decameron.
About 1 hour away from El Acantilado, is a former fishing village recently built into a tourist destination it has extensive coconut beach and is famous for its surfing waves . There is also a large hotel complex owned by the the international chain Decameron.